How to start your Digital Transformation journey with quick results

How to start your Digital Transformation journey with quick results It’s not a secret to anyone that Covid-19 has reshaped the way businesses operate worldwide. Like any other industry, the impact on financial services has been profound. Covid-19 showed us that the digital transformation everyone has been discussing for years was, in many cases, still […]

Technology and People, key ingredients for the success of your digital meetings

    Technology and People, key ingredients for the success of your digital meetings Companies are constantly adapting the way they organize their corporate meetings. Technology advances, increasing regulations, and evolving corporate roles, as well as current affairs like Covid-19, have a profound impact on how companies organize their most important governance events- their meetings. […]

How Document Factory can help you cut costs through efficiency

How Document Factory can help you cut costs through efficiency Luxembourg Times recently published the article “Finance firms in Luxembourg set to cut costs” to cope with the impact of COVID-19. This is the year that financial services companies have faced reality: they were lagging behind their digital transformation. They were stuck in discussions, […]

Do you Excel?

Do you Excel? Excel is currently the backbone of the global financial system, which I believe is a serious Governance issue. Let me elaborate. In 2010, Harvard economists Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff released their paper “Growth in a Time of Debt”. They argued that economic growth rate falls off a cliff once countries are […]

Coding is dead

New blog post! Coding is dead. Long live the Code! Updated: Oct 1, 2021 In my last article, I described the risks of relying on Excel spreadsheets for critical business decisions and processes. Many of us have used outsized Excel sheets that are processing large pools of source data through multiple processing steps, possibly with the […]

Redefining Digitalisation – the New Resilience

Redefining Digitalisation – the New Resilience As the tide of digital transformation rises in the asset management industry, Jessica Bauly discusses how to surf the digital wave. Urgent actions to remain resilient include meeting clients’ demands for improved digital experience, maintaining competitiveness by using technology to gain efficiencies and save costs, and focusing on ‘human […]

Compliance, the great unknown

Compliance, the great unknown Compliance is a hot topic, most will immediately agree with that. We see a rapidly growing demand for compliance automation solutions, and we’re excited that our focus on this has been recognised in the Compliance Management segment of the Medici Global RegTech Top 21 Report . There is however a challenge […]

What tech companies have to say in the digital transformation of the new normal

What tech companies have to say in the digital transformation of the new normal Digital transformation has become a hot topic worldwide in every industry alike. The recent events related to COVID-19 have accelerated the urge of boosting digital transformation. Just out of curiosity, before digging into the article I did a quick search on […]